Tag Archives: time poor

‘Busy’ people sometimes annoy me

Often when I’m speaking with friends they feel the need to remind me they have full-time jobs, that they struggle to find time for art, cooking, learning or trying something new.
Its all all about status. You have an achievement or passion, but I am busy. Being busy or not having time, for so many people I know, gives people a sense of importance and place in the world.
To my mind there are two options when you feel like you don’t have time for something:
1. It isn’t a priority to you
2. It scares you
Therein, if your passions are escaping you, you have to reevaluate your priorities or deal with your fear.

I am a perfectionist, if I fear I wont do something perfectly the first time I will put everything in my way to put it off. Lately I’ve been too ‘busy’ to start translating because its hard. Because I started working nights to begin to remedy our finances I have had such a great excuse to not study, too tired too busy. Plus parenting, a procrastination aid if ever I saw one.

But I would also like to paint well, I don’t work at it because right now my priorities are family, study, work/money and then developing as a performing artist (there is some cross over between the study and performing). I hope one day the work learning and performing arts will coexist and free up my priorities.

But if working is not your highest priority yet gets in the way of learning guitar, cooking your own food or following your passions it’s time to make time, prioritise and take the plunge. Stop using your timelessness to make your place in the world, create something and you won’t need your schedule as status.

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